To help the young generation of girls to formulate a more clear version of their dream business and feel strong enough to envision themselves as an independent person with as equal rights as men in the society.
In July 11-16, 22 students learnt about entrepreneurship, opportunity finding, customer need, business plan writing, team work and presentation or pitching of their business idea. The participants worked in the groups where they had the opportunity to develop business ideas and business planning. At the end, each group had developed a business plan in accordance with the need and opportunity in the local market, and presented it to all the groups and volunteers.
Maryam Mohammadi (BA-118)
I want to learn more about and work more on the issue of Afghan women involvement in economic activities of the country. [...] I want to work on a research to reveal the factors preventing women from being active in the economy of the country as equally as men. I want to put my efforts on involvement in youth entrepreneurial activities in the society and get a chance to work with people who share the same interest as mine.